All Neptune furniture, from tables and chairs to dressers and sideboards, is crafted using the very best materials and tried-and-tested joinery. The collection includes designs for dining spaces big and small, whether yours is an open-plan kitchen or an entirely separate room. For a considered scheme, add our super soft table linen and unique tableware.

Dining furniture
All Neptune dining furniture, from tables and chairs to dressers and sideboards, is crafted using the very best materials and tried-and-tested joinery. The collection includes designs for dining spaces big and small, whether yours is an open-plan kitchen or an entirely separate room. For a considered scheme, add our super soft table linen and unique tableware.
Dining Accessories

Interior Design
Whether you want to refresh a single room or your whole house, our Home Design Service guides you through your project from start to finish.
Colour consultancy
If you are looking to introduce more colour into your home but are short on time or unsure where to start, our expert coulor consultants are here to help.